Raise Your Sway Factor™
Personal Branding to Stand Out,
Stay Relevant and Be in Demand.
Ready for More Sway?
Let's start building your Sway Factor™!
Your Sway Factor is the degree to which you’re in demand for who you are and what you do.
It isn’t a model, a system, or a framework.
It’s a philosophy embraced by high performers around the globe. No matter what title you hold, you are the CMO of your personal brand and you are the CEO of your professional destiny.
This philosophy is manifested in your behavior every day.
Don’t play small. Take intentional actions
that build your Sway Factor.
Do you want to know how to generate demand? Don’t stay under the radar. Don’t depend on doors to open and opportunities to appear when you decide you’re ready. If you are willing to step out of your comfort zone, you can take action to create demand for who you are and what you do, and you will be rewarded over and over again. You will be recommended, referred, and earn the right of first refusal. Doors will open and opportunities will emerge… but only if you work for it.
Would you like to be:
Recommended for a new job?
Nominated to a board?
Invited to speak at a conference?
Asked to contribute your thought leadership?
Recognized for who you are and what you do?
Are You Known? Are You Recognized? Are You Rewarded?
You can’t be the only one who understands who you are and what you do well. You raise your Sway Factor by deciding how you want to be known and then sending consistent messages across multiple touch points online and off.
Apply branding 101 to yourself. When someone Googles you, does your Digital Footprint make a great first impression? When someone asks you what you do, are you ready with an Airplane Pitch (or do you fall back on your job title?) Does your network know what a lead looks like for you? Do the people around you know what kind of sales opportunities make sense for you? Are they able to recommend you for the perfect new job?
If not, it's time to
Raise Your Sway Factor™
Take action to stand out, stay relevant, and be in demand.
Worried that it won’t make work look good? On the contrary, it will make where you work look even better.