I’m Never Giving Up on Me


Never Giving Up

Yesterday I was walking to the gym for the first time in too long. And I was beating myself for letting my routine slip to the point I felt like I was starting from scratch.

I'm never giving up on me! @simasays #cocktailnapkinquote #personalbrands #swayfactor Share on X

Never Giving Up on Me

And then I realized that was just silly. Even star athletes have set-backs, but they don’t give up.

And then I started thinking about my career… how blessed I am to earn a living doing what I love when just seven short years ago I couldn’t even identify what that was.

And how not one successful person I know has gone from believing in a dream to achieving that dream in a straight line. Not one.

And that failure could only occur if I gave up on me.

True story.

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