You have unlimited talents, you just need to tell your story. No one can know all that you know until you tell them. Your talents can be varied and many, but until you know how to articulate them, no one else will know your greatness.

Case in Point
One day after a Toastmasters meeting, my friend and fellow member Andrew asked me how I found business leads as a professional speaker. He said he really enjoyed speaking and wanted to do more of it, especially for a fee. I confessed that this was news to me – I had no idea he spoke professionally, nor did I have the slightest idea what he spoke about.
Over lunch we made a few small updates to his LinkedIn profile so that his professional network might come to know him not just as a data scientist, but someone who also spoke on the subject.
When he was invited to speak not once but twice, and for a fee, in the weeks that followed, the only one not surprised was me.