Right Foot. Left Foot. Breathe. Celebrate the Effort

Challenge yourself by celebrating the effort! @simasays #cocktailnapkinquote #personalbrands #swayfactor  Share on X

On July 25th of this year I set a goal: By my birthday, I will launch an online training course teaching job seekers about personal branding and social networking.  And on Tuesday I did it. Time to celebrate the effort!

The Challenge

I challenged myself to get 100 people registered; we hit 130.

I challenged myself to get 3 sponsors; we gratefully had 7.

I challenged myself to use new technology, and our new video-enhanced webinar platform was amazing.

And thanks to a Free Shipping on your Birthday email from DSW, I celebrated yesterday with a pair of new shoes and some sushi. But upon reflection I realized that I was not really celebrating the launch, nor was I celebrating my 48th. No, what I was celebrating was BEING IN ACTION. Taking steps forward. I was celebrating the effort, not the result.

Unfulfilled Goals? Celebrate the Effort

I think too often we set huge hairy goals and then when we fall short we call it failure. It holds us back. It holds ME back. No more.

I am calling quits on self-sabotaging thoughts. Effectively immediately, I am celebrating every tiny inch forward, even if some days that means just getting up off the couch.

In looking back at the last 8 weeks you know what I see? Someone who planned the work, and worked the plan. Someone who asked herself Why Not? Someone who, for just a moment, believed she could, leaned on her network for help, and gave it her all.

Sure we hit this one out of the park, but I have no idea how the next one will fare. The crazy thing is that it doesn’t matter. What matters is that I go for it.

Just Go For It!

What is that thing you need to go for? Come on, you know what it is. Quit looking the other way because it won’t go away. As my new friend and fellow speaker Julie Ann Sullivan told me just this morning, when she’s feeling unsure or overwhelmed she tells herself this:

Right foot. Left foot. Breathe.

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