Coming home from a program I did for the Minnesota chapter of MPI this past week, I found myself thinking about how people can become more memorable, be memorable. Clients are always asking for training on personal branding online, but there is a huge offline component as well.
The Name Struggle
I used to struggle to get people to remember my name, let alone how to pronounce it, that is until I started saying, “It’s Sima, like ‘simma down now.’” That’s a Saturday Night Live reference that many people recognize, and others not so much. But either way, it sticks.
These days, it’s not uncommon for someone I think is a perfect stranger to approach me at a networking or social event smiling and saying, “Simma Down Now!” The real power, however, comes in helping them remember what it is I do… what I wish to do more of… what opportunities I want to attract. That’s art, science, and lots of practice!
How Can You Be Memorable?
When I meet you at a networking event, how do you introduce yourself? How do you answer the question, “So what do you do?” Does your elevator pitch pack a PUNCH?
P = Passion
U = Uniqueness
N = Natural
C = Clear & Concise
H = High Level
You’ve got fewer than 30 seconds to lure someone into your story… To convey your Character, Competence, Charisma and Context.
If this is something you’d like to work on join me for an online course in being memorable… Perfect for job-seekers and career-climbers everywhere.
Here’s the link to reserve your seat today: bit.ly/jobsearchsocial.